Understanding Your Co-op Balance | Scribe

    Understanding Your Co-op Balance

    • Byron Edwards |
    • 9 steps |
    • 3 minutes
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    Our goal is to make it seamless for you to track and manage your co-op balance. We’ll break down where you can view marketing co-op you have earned, spent, and approved for your downline agents.
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    Section 1: Viewing your total balance
    Navigate to [https://platform.sparkadvisors.com/](https://platform.sparkadvisors.com/)
    Click the "Marketing" icon.
    Select "Review Co-op" from the dropdown.
    In this view, you'll see two sections: Marketing $ Earned and Marketing $ Used. Click the boxes for detail. Marketing $ Earned - This shows how much you have earned personally and for your entire agency. It includes all-time earnings ("Earned Credit") as a running total. - If you are having Spark allocate co-op to a downline automatically as agreed-upon through a written agreement, the total amount you have allocated will appear here as "Allocated Credit to Downline". The remaining amount, "Total Earned Credit" is how much you have earned less what you have already allocated automatically. Marketing $ Used - This section shows how much you have used, either directly (submitting a receipt and Spark paying you out) or via your agents (an agent submits a receipt, which you approve, and Spark pays the agent directly out of your balance). - This section also shows your "Total Credit Balance", or what you have in your balance today available for use. - Total Credit Balance is the difference of "Total Earned Credit" and "Used Credit"
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    Note: you can scroll down to the section "Co-Op Marketing Payments \[Outgoing\]" to view the list of all transactions paid out directly or to your agents.
    Scroll down to the section "Co-Op Marketing Agreements \[Earnings\]". This is a list of all agreements you have signed with Spark. We code each agreement based on its start date, end date, applicable carriers, applicable marketing period (e.g. AEP, OEP), and a number of other details. You can download the specific agreement under the column "Agreement Copy".
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    Note these details about the agreements: - The “Agreement Type” column describes whether it is a variable or static earning. For example, an agreement that is tied to your production over a time period is "variable" whereas a 1x earning is "static". - If you have asked Spark to automatically allocate co-op to downline agencies, you will be able to see the agreements in a table further down the page. - We are unable to share detailed reports for enrollments before 6/1/23 as we upgraded our method for sourcing and importing production reporting.
    To understand the "Earned Credit" for each agreement, click "Open". This will open a page that shows the qualifying enrollments (MAPD, new-to-carrier that has not churned after 3 months) by carrier and a change-log to show how the earnings have increased over time.
    To understand the "Earned Credit" for each agreement, click "Open". This will open a page that shows the qualifying enrollments (MAPD, new-to-carrier that has not churned after 3 months) by carrier and a change-log to show how the earnings have increased over time.
    For further details, you can view the co-op qualifying enrollments by date and carrier in your Dashboard. Returning to the main Platform, select "Dashboard", then scroll down to the "Enrollments" section on the first page. You can adjust the filters along the top for the time period you're focused on in the table: *[[New and active enrollments by agent, effective date and carrier]]*
    For further details, you can view the co-op qualifying enrollments by date and carrier in your Dashboard. Returning to the main Platform, select "Dashboard", then scroll down to the "Enrollments" section on the first page. You can adjust the filters along the top for the time period you're focused on in the table: *[[New and active enrollments by agent, effective date and carrier]]*
    To export the co-op eligible enrollment for your downline, select the 3 buttons and click "download results" (as csv).
    If you are seeking to determine how much co-op support you can approve for each agent in your agency, you can use the [worksheet we created here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14KNhcJ_mpiP3Aj_DJ0KqcvlUZ7fbjeyAl4Dj_fO4MyI/edit?usp=sharing) and follow the instructions.