Uninstall an antivirus to allow Bitdefender to be deployed on your Mac | Scribe

    Uninstall an antivirus to allow Bitdefender to be deployed on your Mac

    • 5 steps |
    • 11 seconds
    information ordinal icon
    Your company has asked rzilient to remotely deploy Bitdefender antivirus. Please uninstall any antivirus software you may have installed beforehand, so that the remote installation can work.
    Click on "Finder"
    Click on "Applications"
    Right-click on the application to uninstall and choose "Move to bin"
    information ordinal icon
    The existing antivirus can be McAfee, Avast, Kaspersky, ESET...
    Follow the uninstallation program of the antivirus
    Once the antivirus has been uninstalled, Bitdefender should then automatically install on your computer.