Update Funding for a Position with NSTP | Scribe

Update Funding for a Position with NSTP

  • 29 steps
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    To set up complex funding, such as funding subject to a salary cap or funding for positions with multiple components of pay, refer to the Scribe titled **Update Funding for a Position with NSTP and with Salary Caps or Multiple Components of Pay**.
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    In order for funding updates to be applied to the current pay cycle, UCPath funding transactions must be entered and approved the night before the Payroll Confirm step for the appropriate monthly or biweekly pay cycle.
    Navigate to UCPath [https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu](https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/home)
    On the navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage**.
    UCPath dashboard with cursor drawing attention to the PeopleSoft Homepage link in the navigation pane.
    On the **General Ledger Administration** homepage, click the **General Ledger Tasks** tile.
    General Ledger Administration page with cursor drawing attention to the General Ledger Tasks tile.
    On the left navigation pane, expand the **Funding** section, and then select the **Funding Entry** option.
    On the left navigation pane, expand the **Funding** section, and then select the **Funding Entry** option.
    Click the **Add a New Value** button.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Add a New Value button.
    Ensure the **Set ID** field displays the correct value: **LACMP** or **LAMED**.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Set ID field.
    In the **Department** field, type or select the department associated with the position. **NOTE:** The department in UCPath is always 6 digits.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Department field.
    In the **Fiscal Year** field, type the year for the funding. **NOTE:** UCPath defaults to the current fiscal year.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Fiscal Year field.
    In the **Budget** **Level** field, ensure the default value is **Position**.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Budget Level field.
    In the **Position Number** field, type or select the position. **NOTE:** If you know the employee ID or name instead of the position number, click the **Look Up** icon to search for the position using the employee ID or name.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Position Number field.
    Click the **Add** button.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Add button.
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    For this example, the navigation area on the left side of the page has been collapsed.
    On the **Funding Entry** page: - The **Request ID** field defaults to **NEW**. UCPath assigns the ID when the funding entry is saved. - The **Level** section displays the position details. - The **Job Data Snapshot** section displays details for the incumbent employee associated with the position on two tabs: **Job details 1** and **Job details 2**. If the position is vacant, the fields are blank on these two tabs.\ **NOTE:** On the **Job details 2** tab, click the **Additional Pay** link link to check for recurring additional pay earnings codes that may require funding. - The **Earnings Distribution** section displays the funding with the highest effective date and sequence.
    Request Status ID field, Level section, Job Data Snapshot section, and Earnings Distribution section highlighted on the Funding Entry page.
    In the **Level** section, click the **Add** icon to add new funding for the position.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Add icon in the Level section.
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    UCPath copies the currently displayed **Earnings Distribution** lines to the new entry. You can modify or delete any of the copied lines and add new lines.
    In the **Funding Effective Date** field, type or select from the calendar icon the date the new funding should take effect. **NOTE:** Funding should be entered before the effective date whenever possible. If the effective date is in the past, you must enter a Salary Cost Transfer transaction to correct the funding for any payrolls processed between the effective date and the current date.
    Funding Entry page with the cursor drawing attention to the Funding Effective Date field.
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    When you click or tab out of the **Funding Effective Date** field, UCPath automatically populates the **Eff Seq** field with the next available number for the selected date.
    If necessary, update the details for any copied lines in the **Earnings Distribution** section.
    A copied distribution line highlighted in the Earnings Distribution section.