Updating Your Community Email Notifications in Forum | Scribe

    Updating Your Community Email Notifications in Forum

    • Tyler Perkins |
    • 10 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • ConnectedcommunityConnectedcommunity
    • Parking-MobilityParking-Mobility
    Welcome to this step-by-step guide on how to update your community notifications in Forum.
    On the home screen, there are two ways to update your email notification. The first way is clicking 'Update Community Notifications' under Quick Links.
    The second way is by clicking on your profile picture.
    Click "Profile"
    Click "Update Community Notifications"
    Scroll down and choose when you will like to receive your community discussion emails.
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    Tip! The 'Discussion Email' column is used to receive individual email notifications from that specific community as people post throughout the day.
    Click here.
    The options are Real-Time (as soon as someone posts), Daily Digest (in the morning with all activity from the previous day), or No Email.
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    Tip! The 'Consolidated Daily and Weekly Digest' columns are used to receive all selected community postings in a singular email.
    The options are Daily, Weekly, or neither.
    Finally, you can select what day you would like to receive your Weekly Consolidated Community Digest. All selections will be automatically saved, now you are all ready to go!
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    Tip! For additional resources/assistance, please email[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])