Updating/adding credit card details | Scribe

    Updating/adding credit card details

    • 0 step
      Navigate to [https://portal.invidia.com.au/](https://portal.invidia.com.au/)
      Click "Hello <your name>!" in top right area.
      If you see "Account" instead of "Hello <your name>!" then click the "Account" link and login. After logging in you will see your name.
      Click "Payment Methods".
      Click "Edit" next to the existing credit card you wish to update, or click "Add New Credit Card" to add a new credit card.
      Update/enter the required fields.
      Click "Save Changes".
      If you now have more than 1 credit card listed, click the "Set as default" button under the "Actions" heading next to the card to be used for billing. Note: Old and expired cards cannot be deleted, however the system will only use the card you have set as the default card.
      The INVIDIA billing system is PCI-compliant. Our staff cannot see your credit card details and will not be able to update these for you. The only secure way to update or add credit card details is for you to enter directly on this page. Once entered, our billing system does not store your card details. Our payment gateway, Stripe, provides our system a token and this is used for future billing.
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