Upload PDF and Annotations to Diigo | Scribe

    Upload PDF and Annotations to Diigo

    • Brittni Ballard |
    • 20 steps |
    • 60 seconds
    • DiigoDiigo
    • ZoteroZotero
    • TowsonTowson
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    Knowledge Check: Did you complete Tutorial 1: [Read and Annotate PDFs in Zotero](https://scribehow.com/shared/Read_and_Annotate_PDFs_in_Zotero__4J86A4JhQ4Wh5cE4gwaoVQ)? This guide picks up where it left off.
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    Tip: Diigo is a freemium tool. With the free plan, you can create 5 Outlines. [Learn more about each plan](https://www.diigo.com/premium/pricing_table_details).
    [Register for Diigo](https://www.diigo.com/sign-up?plan=free).
    Familiarize yourself with the Diigo dashboard: Once signed in, you default to My Library.
    User highlights the body of the page, which starts a third of the screen down. The left-hand column displays individual tags, and the right-hand column displays the annotations for each source. The top third of the screen is the menu. It includes, from left to right: My Library, My Outliners, My Groups, and Tools.
    In Diigo Library, click the "+" to the right of the screen
    User selects the plus sign to the far right of the screen, directly beneath the menu
    Select the Acrobat icon to upload a PDF
    User selects the middle button, which is red button a white square and cursive A in the middle. Other options are: Web Bookmark, Image, and Note.
    In the pop-up window, click the PDF icon again to select the PDF you just read from its saved location
    User selects the PDF icon to add a PDF
    Double-click the PDF to "Open"
    User selects the location where the PDF is saved, in this case: The desktop
    Click the "Share to outliner" field
    User selects the "Share to outliner" drop-down. Other options in this pop-up are: Tags, Share to group, and Read later.
    Select the Outline you're using for this paper or project
    User selects the Diigo and Zotero Research Workflow Outliner
    Click "Upload"
    User selects Upload; the only other option is to close the window using the X icon
    Switch to Diigo Outliners
    Users opens the Diigo My Outliners in a new browser tab, so that the Diigo My Library tab remains
    Open the Outliner you're working with
    User selects the Outliner they just added a PDF to. Other Outliner are listed with the Updated At date to the right of their titles.
    The newly-added PDF will be the first item on the outline
    User highlights the title of the PDF article they just added
    If you click the title, a preview of the PDF will open on the left-hand menu
    User selects the PDF and the left-hand side of the screen displays the PDF with its highlights
    To add your previous annotations, click to the right of the PDF title
    User clicks the empty white space at the end of the article title
    To start a new line, press [[Return]]
    To indent your notes, press [[Tab]]
    Right click in the new empty line, then...
    User positions cursor at the start of an indented empty line
    Select "Paste" to paste the Annotations
    User right-clicks then selects Paste to paste the Annotations just created in Scribe 1