Uploading Slides for your Digital Sign | Scribe

Uploading Slides for your Digital Sign

  • Ryan VanVuren |
  • 0 step |
  • 14 seconds
  • BuyerkioskBuyerkiosk
Navigate to <https://buyerkiosk.com/admin>. Go to the Digital Sign &gt; Upload Media section.
Click this file field to select your files for upload. This can be any images or videos you would like to add.
Click the "Slide Name:" field and enter a name for each slide you are uploading.
If you would like to edit the image with our built-in image editor, now is the time to click the "Edit Image" button.
Click "Start" on each file to start the upload process.
Once each slide has uploaded you can begin to add them to your loop.
Want to make guides like this in seconds? Yes, it's really that fast.
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