Uploading a Receipt in the Duke ClinCard System | Scribe

    Uploading a Receipt in the Duke ClinCard System

    • Kristin Coombs |
    • 9 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • ClincardClincard
    Navigate to <https://clincard.com/>.
    Begin from the **Request Reimbursement** window.
    In the **Amount** field, enter the amount of the reimbursement for the study participant.
    Click in the **Notes** field.
    This example is a parking fee reimbursement. In the **Notes** field, add "Parking fee reimbursed for 9/13/2023"
    In the Receipts section, click **UPLOAD**.
    In the **File Upload window**, locate and click on the appropriate receipt. Ensure the receipt is listed in the File Name field. Click **OPEN**.
    You will see the file name appear in the Upload field with a green X. If the receipt is incorrect, select the green X and repeat Steps 6 and 7. Click **ADD REQUEST**.
    Review the request and ensure the information is correct. Click **SUBMIT REQUEST**.
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    Receipts are required for reimbursements. If a receipt is not provided, the payment will be considered taxable.
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    Please refer to the **Making a Reimbursement Payment Video** as an additional resource for guidance.
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    If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).