Using Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index for Sociology | Scribe

Using Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index for Sociology

  • Amber Prentiss |
  • 13 steps |
  • 33 seconds
  • EmoryEmory
Next to "Search in: Web of Science Core Collection," click "Editions: All."
Web of Science homepage searching the Web of Science Core Collection, all editions
Uncheck "Select All"
Expanded menu of Web of Science editions, including the Arts & Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences Citation Indexes
Select "Social Sciences Citation Index."
Selecting the Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index
Click the "All Fields" dropdown and change it to "Topic."
Selecting the Topic dropdown next to the search field
Enter your first search phrase in the search box.
Entering the search phrase "early childhood education" OR prekindergarten OR "pre kindergarten" OR "preschool" OR "head start" in the first search box
Click "Add row" to add another topic to your search.
Click add row beneath the search box to create a second search box
Change the dropdown from "All Fields" to "Topic."
Changing the dropdown for the second search box from "All Fields" to "Topic"
Enter your second concept and click search.
Clicking the purple "Search" button to execute the database search.
To refine your results to articles from sociology journals, expand "Web of Science Categories"
Web of Science Search results with a list of filters on the left. Clicking "Web of Science Categories."
Click "See all " beneath "Web of Science Categories.
Beneath the Web of Science Categories Filter, click "See all."
Click "Results count" and change the sort to "Alphabetical."
In the expanded Web of Science Categories menu, click "Results count" in the upper right hand corner and change the sort to "Alphabetical."
Choose "Sociology."
Select the checkbox for sociology from the alphabetical list of Web of Science Categories.
Click "Refine"
Click the purple "Refine" button at the bottom right of the expanded Web of Science Categories menu to limit to Sociology journals only.