Using filters in the NMPED Calendar | Scribe

    Using filters in the NMPED Calendar

    • Seana Flanagan |
    • 9 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • SmartsheetSmartsheet
    There are multiple ways to filter the NMPED comprehensive calendar. The first way to filter is by looking at the different calendar views that you can have. We are currently in the month view.
    Within the month view, you can scroll down and see all of the events that are happening within the month. Notice as well that the calendar will expand on a day when there are multiple events occurring.
    When you are within the month view, you can click on the right arrow at the top to move to the next month.
    There are six different calendar views you can select from.
    Let's look at the multi-month view.
    In a multi-month view, you'll see the category of the event and the bureau that is hosting the event. As you scroll to the right you'll see the events happening over the next few months.
    You can also filter here to look at items by event category or by bureau. Clicking on the filter, we've now selected everything that's being hosted by the Assessment Research Evaluation and Accountability Bureau.
    You can click in here and perhaps we'd like to change this to all things that are happening in professional development.
    That will take us over to this page, and here you'll be able to see all the professional development events occurring in the agency by bureau, by month.