Using the All Bills page to review and filter all bills in the legislature | Scribe

    Using the All Bills page to review and filter all bills in the legislature

    • Anatolij Gelimson |
    • 11 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • FastdemocracyFastdemocracy
    Navigate to [](
    Click "All Bills"
    Select your state (or Congress). You can also select a legislative session, in case you want to see bills from past sessions
    By default, the bills will be sorted by last action (newest first). That way, bills that have recent actions will be at the top You can change the sorting order by using this dropdown. For example, you could sort by bill number or by introduction date
    If you sort it by bill number you can review the bills in a systematic way
    Click "Track Bill", "Add Lists" or "Edit Notes" on bills that are interesting to you
    Maybe you don't want to review all of them, but just bills that meet certain criteria. For this, you can click "More filter options". Lots of different criteria are available. You can filter by introduction date, action date, by your bill lists, or by type of action
    In this case, we might only want to see bills that were introduced after a certain date. Check the "Show only bills introduced after" checkbox and select a date
    Click the "Select a date..." field.
    Select your date and click "Filter results"
    This way, you'll get all the bills, filtered down by your criteria (in this case, by introduction date). You can track the bills, if there's anything of interest to you