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Use the Contents View
T. Kim Nguyen |
0 step |
6 minutes
You must be logged in to use the Contents view.
Click the folder icon.
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The contents view shows what's in the current folder and lets you perform operations on the contained items. \
Here we see the foundation logo and several pages. In Plone, pages can also act as containers or folders. \
Click "Images".
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We see the contents of the Images page: four images. \
If you click "penguin1.jpg", the image will be displayed. Use the browser's Back button to return to the contents view.
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To go back up a level, click on one of the parent folders in the breadcrumbs. \
For example, click "Home".
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You can explore the contents of other pages. Click on "Blocks".
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In the Blocks folder, click "Accordion".
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The Accordion page does not contain any items. \
To see the normal view of the Accordion page, click the left arrow icon.\
To return to the list of blocks, click "Blocks".
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Let's return to the root, or top level folder, of the site. \
Click "Home".
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To change the order of items in the folder, click the icon on the left of an item and drag it to its new position.
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Note the current order of the items highlighted at the top of the page.
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Move the Blocks page down.
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Once the Blocks page has moved, you will see a "Success" message at the bottom of the page.
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You may have to reload the page. Note the changed order of items at the top of the page.
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You can upload images and files to the folder. Click the Upload icon.
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Click "Browse" to select the image or file to upload from your computer. Alternatively, you can drag one or more images or files to the target area shown.
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To complete the upload, press the right arrow button.
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You see the new image added at the bottom of the folder.
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You perform operations on an item by clicking on the checkbox widget next to the item.
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To move an item, you must Cut it, navigate to its intended location, then paste it there. Click the Cut icon.
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key