Using the Event content type | Scribe

    Using the Event content type

      • RutgersRutgers
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      The RCCL contains many features to create and manage events on your website.

      Creating Events

      Fill out all required event fields.
      The **summary** text is visible when an event is viewed inside components or on event listing pages. The **information** text is visible only on the event page.
      The **description** utilizes rich text to display content. Rich text allows editors to stylize text, insert links, create tables and lists, embed images and videos, and more.
      For physical events, an address can be entered.
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      **Please note**: The optimal size for event images is 1,000 width by 563 height (in pixels). Always preview your work before saving.

      Event Management

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      While events displayed in components will automatically be removed after the event date has passed, event pages do not auto archive. Be aware that event pages need to be manually archived.
      To setup categories for different types of events and locations, go to **Structure > Taxonomy** in the content management system and select a taxonomy category.
      To share an event with other RCCL sites (assuming content syndication is enabled), check the [[Share for Syndication]] box at the bottom of the event's editing screen.
      To mark an event as featured, check the [[Featured]] box on the event's editing screen under [[Promotion Options]].
      To change the order of featured events, go to **Content > Events > Sort featured events** in the content management system.

      Event Views

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      The Drupal version of the RCCL features Views which automatically collect and display content in one place.
      Navigate to **Structure > Views**.
      Event related content has two associated views that function out of the box: - **Events** - [](\ This view is the home of all event content and features a filtered search box. - **Featured Events** - [](\ This view displays one large featured event based on sort order and a list of all other featured events. To add additional links to the events view page, go to **Structure > Menus > Banner Block Menu - Events**. These links will appear in a black menu bar at the bottom of the events page.