Using the deliverability audit workflow action with HubSpot - B2C Example | Scribe

    Using the deliverability audit workflow action with HubSpot - B2C Example

    • Mike Donnelly |
    • 17 steps |
    • 3 minutes
      To start a B2C deliverability audit, you'll first want to create 4 variations of your email. The purpose behind this is so that you can easily see how your emails are performing with the major B2C inbox providers. We recommend naming these emails with <your email name> - <inbox provider>.
      alert ordinal icon
      Alert! The "Other" email segment will include business domains and other inbox providers that do not include one of the major 3 consumer inbox providers.
      You will then want to navigate to "Workflows" and create a new workflow.
      Create a blank "Contact based" workflow and name it something that you (or your team) will recognize. Please note that once the email has been sent, the workflow is no longer needed. It is used purely as a mechanism to split your sending list(s) into the contact's respective inbox provider branch and then execute the email send.
      Click "Next"
      Underneath the "Contact enrollment trigger" add a B2C Deliverability Audit workflow action step.
      Underneath the "Contact enrollment trigger" add a B2C Deliverability Audit workflow action step.
      Underneath the B2C Deliverability Audit workflow action step, add a "Value equals branch" to display the different email providers as branches.
      Underneath the B2C Deliverability Audit workflow action step, add a "Value equals branch" to display the different email providers as branches.
      Your workflow will now have different branches for each major consumer inbox provider. Underneath each one of these branches, you'll want to use the "Send email" action and choose the email that corresponds with each inbox provider. This was the first step covered.
      Underneath the "Google" branch, select the email that you created in the first step that has "Google" in its email name.
      Underneath the "Google" branch, select the email that you created in the first step that has "Google" in its email name.
      Navigate to the "+" sign underneath the "Microsoft" branch.
      Underneath the "Microsoft" branch, select the email that you created in the first step that has "Microsoft" in its email name.
      Underneath the "Microsoft" branch, select the email that you created in the first step that has "Microsoft" in its email name.
      Navigate to the "+" sign underneath the "Verizon" branch.
      Underneath the "Verizon" branch, select the email that you created in the first step that has "Verizon" in its email name.
      Underneath the "Verizon" branch, select the email that you created in the first step that has "Verizon" in its email name.
      Navigate to the "+" sign underneath the "None met" branch.
      Underneath the "Other" branch, select the email that you created in the first step that has "Other" in its email name.
      Underneath the "Other" branch, select the email that you created in the first step that has "Other" in its email name.
      Click "Review and publish"
      Once the workflow is turned on, navigate to the "Enroll" button to enroll your list(s) into the workflow. At the time of enrollment, Seventh Sense will immediately start segmenting your audience into its respective inbox provider and then start delivering your email.
      Once the workflow is turned on, navigate to the "Enroll" button to enroll your list(s) into the workflow.  At the time of enrollment, Seventh Sense will immediately start segmenting your audience into its respective inbox provider and then start delivering your email.
      You can then use the "Compare emails" feature within the HubSpot email dashboard to audit how your performance compares with each inbox provider. Simply click "Compare emails" and then "Select email to compare" where you would select each email that was part of the audit.
      You can then use the "Compare emails" feature within the HubSpot email dashboard to audit how your performance compares with each inbox provider. Simply click "Compare emails" and then "Select email to compare" where you would select each email that was part of the audit.