V2: How to Upload Artifacts for your Student | Scribe

    V2: How to Upload Artifacts for your Student

    • Terri Tutich |
    • 0 step |
    • 32 seconds
    • SmartfuturesSmartfutures
    Find the student you want to upload an artifact for. This can be done from the Students roster, Classes, or any of the Reports.
    Click the Action Menu for the student you want to upload an artifact for.
    Click "Impersonate"
    You should now be impersonating the student. Click "Portfolio"
    Go to the Uploaded Artifacts section and click "Add"
    Click on the appropriate Strand...
    and Standard.
    Complete all of the required fields (Title, Date, Gathering Your Thoughts, and an attachment)
    Click "Save"
    If you have multiple artifacts to add for this student, repeat steps 5-9 for each additional artifact.
    If you are done adding artifacts for this student, click on the "End Session" button at the top of the screen to return to your Instructor/Coordinator account.
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