Verfahren über "DSE bearbeiten" (EN) | Scribe

    Verfahren über "DSE bearbeiten" (EN)

    • Cookiebox |
    • 5 steps |
    • 20 seconds
    • SliteSlite
    • PrivacyhubPrivacyhub
    Click "Privacy Policy" on the left within the navigation menu.
    Click the three dots next to the corresponding company. And then click "Edit privacy policy".
    Click the three dots next to the corresponding company. And then click "Edit privacy policy".
    Scroll to the down to "What third-party services are included on your website?". In this case you want to edit "A sample text template" - click the correspinding button.
    The text template opens with the entries already made, which can now be adjusted/changed.
    Click "Save" to save the changes.