Viewing PLI Programs in the New Media Player | Scribe

    Viewing PLI Programs in the New Media Player

    • PLI |
    • 7 steps |
    • 30 seconds
    • PliPli
    With PLI's new Media Player, you have control over how you view programs, with options to focus on the speaker or presentation materials using the smaller "thumbnail" screen.
    On the thumbnail screen, you will see options to move the position, toggle between speaker/slide views, and minimize the thumbnail.
    Use the **Move thumbnail position** option to place the small screen where you prefer on your player. Keep clicking to move it around.
    Select the middle option to toggle between views.
    The thumbnail will disappear when you select **Minimize thumbnail**.
    To make the thumbnail reappear, click the carat on the right-hand side of the screen, next to the control panel.
    Periodically, a reminder will appear to verify your attendance. Click the option to ensure your attendance is recorded for credit.