Viewing the school calendar and student diaries | Scribe
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Viewing the school calendar and student diaries
Google Play
Login to the Carer Orbit app
Guide available here, if you are doing this for the first time: \
Tap on **Future Events** to see a summary of all upcoming events with information and attachments.
Use can use the **filter** icon, to filter to specific types of events eg excurisons, camps
Tap on the **event** of choice to access more information.
Full details of events (and attachments if any) are available from the **event details** screen.
Your children are coloured and listed to indicate which children are included.
Use the **back arrow** to return to a previous screen.
Under **Daily Digest** you can change your between **Diary** and **School Calendar**.
- **Diary** - the events your children are included in
- **School Calendar** - events for all College community members to be informed of
Toggle between **Diary** and **School Calendar** to change your view and then use the button to select **View Calendar**
Use the left and right **chevrons** to toggle between month views.
The default view is **month**. Use the **calendar icon** to change to a week view.
Tap the **back icon** to return to a previous screen.
Your children's calendar icons will include timetabled classes (up to a month in advance) and any events that they have been invited too.
From any app screen you can click on the **calendar icon** to be taken to your children's individual diaries.
The **School Calendar** and each **child** will have their own button. Please tap to enter the calendar view.
The **Diary - all students** will have your students colour coded for you, for easy reference.
Each date with an event is indicated with details. **Tap on a date** to have the lower half of the screen populated with **all events for that day**.
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key