Viewing the school calendar and student diaries | Scribe

Viewing the school calendar and student diaries

    • EdumateEdumate
    • AppleApple
    • Google PlayGoogle Play
    Login to the Carer Orbit app Guide available here, if you are doing this for the first time: \ <>
    Tap on **Future Events** to see a summary of all upcoming events with information and attachments.
    Use can use the **filter** icon, to filter to specific types of events eg excurisons, camps Tap on the **event** of choice to access more information.
    Full details of events (and attachments if any) are available from the **event details** screen. Your children are coloured and listed to indicate which children are included. Use the **back arrow** to return to a previous screen.
    Under **Daily Digest** you can change your between **Diary** and **School Calendar**. - **Diary** - the events your children are included in - **School Calendar** - events for all College community members to be informed of Toggle between **Diary** and **School Calendar** to change your view and then use the button to select **View Calendar**
    Use the left and right **chevrons** to toggle between month views.
    The default view is **month**. Use the **calendar icon** to change to a week view.
    Tap the **back icon** to return to a previous screen.
    Your children's calendar icons will include timetabled classes (up to a month in advance) and any events that they have been invited too.
    From any app screen you can click on the **calendar icon** to be taken to your children's individual diaries.
    The **School Calendar** and each **child** will have their own button. Please tap to enter the calendar view. The **Diary - all students** will have your students colour coded for you, for easy reference.
    Each date with an event is indicated with details. **Tap on a date** to have the lower half of the screen populated with **all events for that day**.
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