Viewing tricky images in Wildlife Insights | Scribe

    Viewing tricky images in Wildlife Insights

    • One Tam CommSci |
    • 7 steps |
    • 58 seconds
    • WildlifeinsightsWildlifeinsights
    Navigate to the Edit Photo tab in your ID box
    Click the high resolution image icon
    In the Edit Photo tab, play around with the preset filters
    Play around with the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation levels. You may need to fiddle with multiple levels to get a better view of the animal in question
    Play around with the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation levels.

You may need to fiddle with multiple levels to get a better view of the animal in question
    Use the zoom to hone in on details
    Use the zoom to hone in on details
    You may need to view multiple images to view the animal in context. Wildlife Insights automatically keeps your custom brightness, contrast, and saturation levels
    You may need to view multiple images to view the animal in context. Wildlife Insights automatically keeps your custom brightness, contrast, and saturation levels
    If you know it's wildlife, but are not sure what species. Please tag as Animal.
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! Do not use lower taxonomic levels (genus, order, etc.)