Was ist das Cookiepedia? (EN) | Scribe

    Was ist das Cookiepedia? (EN)

    • Cookiebox |
    • 8 steps |
    • 56 seconds
    Click "Cookiepedia" in your dashboard.
    The Cookiepedia is a reference work about 3rd party services that we have evaluated from a privacy perspective. You can use the Cookiepedia in 2 different ways. You can inform yourself out of interest or curiosity. Simply select the appropriate tab and then click on the service you are interested in.
    You will first find general information about the service, such as the location of the company behind the service, or also with which legal basis the service can be used.
    Then follows information about what function this service performs...
    ...and why website operators use this service.
    Next, there is an insertion on what to consider legally when using 3rd party services in general.
    And then there is the actual evaluation of the service, which becomes interesting especially for the 2nd use case. Here you can find alternatives to the service...
    ...what we would recommend and our conclusion about the service.