Web of Science: Export to EndNote | Scribe

    Web of Science: Export to EndNote

    • SDC Library |
    • 0 step |
    • 45 seconds

      Direct Export

      Create a search in [Web of Science](https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/basic-search)
      Select the record you wish to export to EndNote by ticking the **check box** to the left of the record.
      Click the **Export** box and choose **EndNote Desktop** from the drop-down list.
      Click **Export**. Save the exported file to your preferred location. The default location is your **Downloads folder**.
      Records imported into your EndNote library are displayed in **Imported References**.

      Bulk Export

      Maximum download: 1000 records at a time
      Create a search in [Web of Science](https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/basic-search)
      Click the checkbox next to the total results to **Select all records**.
      Click Export.
      Choose "EndNote desktop" from the dropdown menu.
      Choose "Author, Title, Source, Abstract" under **Record Content**.
      Choose the span of records and click "Export"
      Records imported into your EndNote library are displayed in **Imported References**.
      This Scribe is in tip-top shape!Leave feedback if there are any issues with this Scribe