Weekly Inventory | Scribe

    Weekly Inventory

    • Olivia Stevenson |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes

    Create Inventory Session

    Navigate to [https://radar.ctuit.com/CtuitNet/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fCtuitNet%2fCtuitNet%2flogin.aspx](https://radar.ctuit.com/CtuitNet/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fCtuitNet%2fCtuitNet%2flogin.aspx)
    Enter your Username and Password and then sign on to RADAR.
    Click in to the Inventory module.
    Create a new inventory session by clicking the + New Session button.
    Select your location, inventory cycle, and inventory date (always on Sunday). Then, click Save.

    Print Inventory Taking Sheet

    Filter to your store location, if needed.
    Filter to the inventory session you want to take: food or beverage.
    Click Current under Weeks to view the current week's inventory session.
    Click Show to bring up the current week's inventory session.
    When the inventory session appears, click the Taking button to bring up the week's taking sheet.
    The taking sheet will appear in a separate internet browser tab, just click the printer button to print your taking sheet.

    Enter Inventory Count

    Navigate back to the inventory session for the week.
    Click the yellow pencil icon for the inventory session you want to enter a count for.
    Click into each folder to bring up the inventory items you have.
    On the right side of your screen, you can click and enter the amount of each item you counted.
    Make sure you are inputting the count in the proper unit. Some products can be counted in multiple units (e.g., 750ml vs. 1.75L bottles of the same liquor)
    Work your way down the list and put in your counts for all inventory items.
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