What's included in your Lemax Integration | Scribe

What's included in your Lemax Integration

  • 0 step
  • WetuWetu

Itinerary Details

- Itinerary Name (Booking description in Lemax) - Booking reference number (Booking number in Lemax) - Number of Travellers / Pax - Traveller Details (Client first, last name and age)


- Start and End Travel Dates - Accommodations - Meal Basis (Mapped to Wetu meal basis) - Number of Nights (per accommodation) - Check-In Date (per accommodation)

Travel Details

- All Travel Services - Travel Company Name - Date of Travel Service - Start and End Location (Pickup and Drop-off)  - Times Of Travel
When you click on 'Edit Details' for your travel service, you can view the information being pulled through from your Lemax Booking.
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