Where can I find billing details? | Scribe

    Where can I find billing details?

    • Olympus Mobility |
    • 3 steps |
    • 9 seconds
      information ordinal icon
      1️⃣ Mobility expenses per employee: monthly - Details of all your employees' mobility transactions. - For period A or B (A = first half of the month - B = second half of the month) or for the full month. - This report was formerly known as [[Billing_mobility_detail_MSP_CA]] 2️⃣ Mobility expenses per mobility provider: monthly - Overview of total mobility consumption by mobility provider (MRP) and VAT percentage. - For period A or B (A = first half of the month - B = second half of the month) or for the full month. - This report was formerly known as [[Billing_mobility_overview_MSP_CA]] 3️⃣ Mobility expenses: yearly overview - Annual report of previous year's mobility consumption. - This report is generated on the 16th of January - Each line in the report is the total expenditure per user, budget, reason for use and VAT percentage. - This report was formerly known as [[Billing_mobility_annual_overview_MSP_CA]]

      Where do I find the reports?

      Navigate to <https://platform.olympus-mobility.com/portal/#/login>
      Click "Reporting"
      Choose the report you need.