Wideband Setup in VCM Scanner - AEM 30-0334 OBD-II Pass Thru | Scribe

    Wideband Setup in VCM Scanner - AEM 30-0334 OBD-II Pass Thru

    • 10 steps
    • HptunersHptuners

    Wiring Connections

    After the wideband is installed in the vehicle, make the following wiring connections: - AEM Red (Power) **→** Vehicle Switched +12V - AEM Black (Ground) **→** Vehicle Ground (chassis, battery, etc.) - AEM OBD-II Pass-Thru Connector **→** Vehicle OBD-II Diagnostic Port - HP Tuners Interface **→** AEM OBD-II Pass-Thru Connector

    Add Wideband Channel in VCM Scanner

    Connect your HP Tuners interface to the OBD-II pass-thru and your laptop via USB cable.
    Open the VCM Scanner application
    Turn the key to the ON position, but do NOT start the vehicle. For push-button vehicles: - Ford: press the start/stop button once - GM: press and hold the start/stop button for 5 seconds until the dash illuminates - Mopar: press the start/stop button twice, until it is in the RUN position.
    Click the blue "Connect to Vehicle" button
    Once connected, click the "Add Channel" button (gear with the green +)
    In the text filter box, search for "WB EQ". \ Double-click "WB EQ Ratio 1 (SAE)" to add it to the channel list.
    Click "Close" on the Channel Selector window
    Verify that the transform was successfully applied to the channel. It should look like this.
    Your AEM wideband (30-0334) data is now ready to be recorded with the rest of the vehicle data.