Workflow Checklist Overview | Scribe

    Workflow Checklist Overview

    • Jill |
    • 20 steps |
    • 54 seconds

      On the Checklist tab, select the current month from the drop down menu in cell B3.


      Enter your name in cell B4.


      If you have an Accounting Specialist, enter their name in cell B5. If you have not been assigned a specialist, enter na.


      For each property, enter the appropriate IS account tree in row 4.


      For each property, select how the mortgage is paid using the drop down menu in row 5.


      For each property, enter the mortgage auto draft date (or delinquent date) in row 6.


      For each step that is not applicable for a property, enter na in the column notated with x and na at the top of the column.


      For each step where you have entered na, the step will be "blocked off" to indicate that step is not applicable for that particular property.


      Add formulas to customize due dates that don't pull in directly from the workflow or corp tabs.


      You can find instructions on how to add due date formulas using the WORKDAY function starting in row 19 of the Instructions tab.


      As tasks are completed, type x in the column notated with x and na at the top of the column. This will turn the task green.


      If you key in an x, tasks will be turned green regardless of whether you have assigned a due date or not.


      If you desire, manually hide columns to the right that exceed the number of properties assigned to you.


      To the left of cell A1, you see squares 1, 2 and 3. Use these to ungroup rows that allow you to add additional customizable steps. Box 2 will add 5 additional rows per section. Box 3 will add 10 additional rows. Box 1 will default back to no additional rows.


      In screenshot above, notice the "Clear x's" button that is highlighted. Use this to clear all of the x's in order to set up the next month's template.


      Go to the Calendar tab to the template for a different view of uncompleted tasks.


      Change the month and/or the year using the scrolls to the right of each field. This will update the dates in the calendar for the period selected.


      In the Remaining Daily Tasks section, use the scroll to select the day's tasks you want to view. This will display only tasks that have not been completed (a task is deemed not completed if an x has not been entered on the checklist tab for that task).


      To view remaining weekly tasks, select the Monday for the corresponding week you want to view from the drop down menu in cell O2. The template will default to showing you remaining due dates for anything between Friday and Monday of the week selected.


      Tip: if you want to capture all uncompleted tasks to include previous weeks, select the first Monday from the drop down menu in cell O2. Then modify the formula in cell O3 to read = O2+30. This will show you all tasks for the month. You could also modify to be =O2+10 or however many days between the first Monday and current date.