Upload A Revised Entry File | Scribe

    Upload A Revised Entry File

    • Scott Kitzman |
    • 6 steps |
    • 31 seconds
      Navigate to, and select, the meet for which you are doing the entries.
      Click the "Home" tab of the meet.
      If you have already "submitted" your entries, you should "Unsubmit" them by clicking on the "Unsubmit" button
      Click the "Import" link to import your revised entry file.
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      There are two options when uploading a revised entry file.
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      Usually, you are uploading a file that contains the revised complete entry information for all of your team members. If this is the case, select "Delete all of your existing entries and replace them with this file"
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      If, and only if, you are uploading a file that has an additional swimmer, or a simple change to be made to one swimmer, you can select "See more options for importing these entries". We will show you options available to you based on the information contained in your new entry file.
      Click the "See more options for importing these entries" field.
      Click the "Continue" button.
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      After your revised entry file has been uploaded, reviewed, and completed, please remember to Submit your entries again! Submitting your entries will trigger an emailed receipt of your entries.