Navigating the CTE application process! | Scribe

    Navigating the CTE application process!

      • IdahoIdaho
      • DocusignDocusign
      Navigate to []( Select "Educator Certification"
      Select "Endorsements"
      Select and download, Postsecondary Endorsements & Credential Manual as PDF's for your records. Then move on to "Professional Development"
      You will find the PDP in your IDCTE application pages 5 or 6 and under "Professional Development" as a fillible document. However at ISU using DocuSign allows for quicker response time and electronic signing. When you are ready, your next step is to initiate your Professional Development Plan, [initial]( renewal. Navigate to <> Select "Full Name" field. You are the **CTE applicant** it is recommended you use your school email address. Tab or select Local Supervisor to complete this information. Click "**BEGIN SIGNING**"
      Select "I agree to use electronic records and signatures, then "Continue"
      Check your certification dates follow the [IDCTE ]( If you have a document from IDCTE stating an **exemption** of any kind or an alternative to what is listed, **attach it here** using the optional paperclip. All fields in red are fillable and required.
      Depending on your academic choice, 4000's are undergraduate, 5000's are graduate. You can take the courses in any sequence. You must take and pass all courses listed and dates planned is a required field. If you take the course in a different semester then indicated that is okay however it still must be within your three year date range. Remember this is a plan.
      From the initial form you completed, supervisor, applicant and teacher educator are automatically populated, *Click* "**ADOPT AND SIGN**" and then "**OK**" This will trigger the PDP to the teacher educator and once signed, will be automatically forwarded to your supervisor. Inform your supervisor you have started this process and to watch for the DocuSign. Sometimes these get lost in their daily mountains of email.
      Navigate to <> Educators, Educator Certification, First-time Idaho Educator Application, Postsecondary. Link <> Select "Postsecondary Occupational Specialist Application" and download.
      information ordinal icon
      Tip! As outlined beginning in Step 5, make sure you complete and add the ISU DocuSign PDP, and eliminate pages 5 & 6 of the application below.
      Ensure you have completed the entire application and review all the IDCTE requirements before you submit to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).