Zapier Pipeline Automation for Instantly | Scribe
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    Zapier Pipeline Automation for Instantly

    • ZapierZapier
    Navigate to [](
    Click here.
    In order to connect the correct Instantly account/workspace, you will need to get the API key from Zapier. \ \ Follow these steps: \ \ 1\. Navigate to the correct workspace\ 2\. Go to settings\ 3\. Go to Integrations\ 4\. Scroll down until you see Zapier\ 5\. Copy the API key
    Click 'New Event'
    Click "Continue"
    Click "Continue"
    Select the 'Event Type'.
    Click "Reply Received"
    Click "Continue"
    Click "Continue with selected record"
    Select the Workspace, there should only be one available.
    Select the client folder.
    Click "Lead Tracker"
    The 'Task Name' will be the first name and last name of the contact. \ \ Be sure to put a space in between the first and last names.
    Enter in all of the relevant info, as seen in the picture, into the Task description.
    Click 'Replied'
    Click 'Email'.
    Insert the Last Name
    Insert the First Name.
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