Zogo Classroom for Web - Student View | Scribe

    Zogo Classroom for Web - Student View

    • Caitlin Nowlan |
    • 7 steps |
    • 34 seconds
    • ZogoZogo
    • ScribeScribe
    The Student Log In page is your institution specific link to access Classroom for Web. Students can gain access using their unique log in credentials provided by the teacher of the class they are enrolled in. The link to this page can be provided to schools or business partners to white-list.
    information ordinal icon
    Note: "Rocket Money" is a demo institution used here for the purpose of this instruction guide. Where you see the "Rocket Money" logo on the site is where the sponsoring financial institution's logo will go.
    This is the student homepage of Classroom for Web.
    Scrolling down the page, students have visibility to all skills and modules "enabled" by their educator. Each skill snapshot previews the amount of modules in it, estimated time for completion and amount of XP gained by completion.
    In the top right hand corner of the page, students can access their Profile and other setting options by clicking on their first initial.
    This is a student's profile and progress report. Student's can find their username, modules completed, skills completed, and days streak. Students will only have visibility into their own account and progress.
    Below, student's can track their progress by viewing incomplete and completed modules. Students can also bookmark skills to revisit as they work through the curriculum. Bookmarked skills are saved here.
    Now that you've gotten the student's-eye view, curate your Classroom lesson plans to create an engaging curricula! Check out ['How to Set Up Your Classrooms on Your Teacher Portal'](https://scribehow.com/shared/How_to_Set_Up_Classrooms_on_your_Teacher_Portal__hvPICZ-tSja6hma_6taTfA) for more helpful tips.