…add clippings to the clipping queue? | Scribe

    …add clippings to the clipping queue?

    • Xander Hoose |
    • 4 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • GreenpulseGreenpulse
    If you want to store article URLs for later use, go to Clippings > Queue.
    You can paste the URL in the "URL" field, select the appropriate clipping type, then click "Add URL". If the URL is not recognized by the system, it will show 'unknown media'. In that case, you'll need to add the media first (see here).
    If the URL is recognized by the system, it will show the media name.
    You can at any time create a clipping from this stored link by clicking the "Feature clipping" (or "News clipping") button. After you've created a clipping, the entry will disappear from the queue. If you decide that you'd rather create a different type of clipping, or if you want to delete the entry from the queue, you can do by clicking the downward arrow on the right side of the button.