inTERP: Filling out Personal Information in inTERP | Scribe

    inTERP: Filling out Personal Information in inTERP

    • Madeline Taylor Pheasant |
    • 8 steps |
    • 51 seconds
    • KualibuildKualibuild
    Once you have accessed inTERP and created a new document, you can start filling out your disclosure.
    information ordinal icon
    Be sure to read the Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Examples that show you were you should disclose your activities.
    Select your appropriate institution.
    alert ordinal icon
    This system only handles College Park employees. If you are not a College Park employee, that please select "Discard" and exit the system. Thank you.
    Select the appropriate "Position(s)".
    Select the appropriate "Employee" status.
    Indicate whether you have an ORCID. If you don't, don't worry about it!
    If you have an ORCID, fill out the number.
    Scroll up to the top of the page.
    Click "Next".
    information ordinal icon
    At any point you can select "Save" to save your work and come back to your disclosure in inTERP.