• Sofia Paniagua |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
      Click on "Statistics" in the top menu of the Kite.
      Select here the dates since which you want to view your statistics.
      Here you can see the total number of people who have opened your Kite on the selected dates.
      Here you will see where your Kite has been accessed from.
      From "Slides" you will see how many people have seen each of the slides.
      Here you can see which buttons in the slides have been clicked the most.
      Find out here the language of the device of the user viewing your Kite.
      Here you can see the QR language of the people accessing your Kite.
      In "Devices" you will be able to see from which devices your Kite is accessed.
      Here you will see the operating system from which the user is accessing your Kite.

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