Account > Pay On Account | Scribe

    Account > Pay On Account

    • Jessica Stelly |
    • 15 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • CoburnsCoburns
    • GmailGmail
    • Ae-AdminAe-Admin
    Click on the Hi Icon then click on the account name at the top of the list to go to the My Account Page.
    You have 2 options to pay on your Account.\ On the left hand side you can use: - **Pay on Account**\ This allows you to pay a specific amount on your account. - **Invoice Summary**\ This allows you to pay per invoice.
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    First, let's review how to use the Pay By Account # section.\ This page allows you to enter the total you want to pay, a successful payment will be applied to your oldest invoices 1st.
    Click the '**Pay By Account'** link on the left-hand side.
    If you have more than 1 Coburn's Account # they will all be listed here. In the example below, this customer has 2 Coburn's Account #s.\ \ The ones with a balance is will have a '**Make Payment**' button.\ If the customer wanted to pay on this account, they could click the 'Make Payment' button.\ \ Other information displayed on this page include the Credit Limit, Last Statement information, balance if over 30 days and current amount due.
    A box will open up where you can fill out your credit card, debit card or echeck information.\ \ At this time, Coburn's does not store this information.
    Scroll down and in the Amount Box you can enter the total you want to pay.\ \ Once completed click Submit.\ \ If it is successful you will see a message on this page and also get an email confirmation.
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    Now, let's review how to pay per invoice.\ You can click on the **'Invoice Summary'** link from the Hi Icon in the top right corner.
    If you have more than 1 account # with Coburn's you can switch between your accounts through the drop-down option.
    On the Invoice Summary page, you will also see **statement balance, statement date, current balance due and anything due over 30 days**. This will change it you switch to different account #s.
    You can see the total # of invoices, change the amount displayed per page & switch between pages.
    You also have the option to: - Filter by date range - Show All invoices or those with Balance Due
    You can view the details of your invoice by clicking the invoice # or clicking the PDF icon. You can resort the list by clicking the column names.
    You can see invoices that have balances on them. There will be an 'Amount to Pay' box where you can enter the amount you want to pay or you can click the checkbox to pay in full.
    Once you are ready, click the **Make Payment** button at the bottom of the page.
    Fill out your Credit, Debit and eCheck information and click Submit.
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    Tip! You will see a message on the screen letting you know if it was successful. \ \ The Coburn's Credit Department will be notified and they will apply this to your account in 2 to 3 business days.
    Here is an example of an email confirmation for a successful payment.