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    Navigate to []( or if you want to go directly to the login screen go to, [](
    Click "Get Started" to go to the Login screen.
    1. If you are a new user, Sign up with Google or enter your email id. 2. You'll get a confirmation email to activate your account if you are not using GSignup.
    If you already have an account, Click "Have an account?" to Login.
    You will be taken to the Login screen where you can login with your email & password or use the Google Sign in.


    1. You will see an onboarding tour, the first time you login. 2. After that, you are taken to your Dashboard the first time you login.
    1. There are many features to explore!! We are constantly adding new features. 2. You can expand the menu bar to see the various features such as Dashboard, Calendar, Library, Dash Cards, Adaptive Quiz, Mock Exam, Analytics & your Profile. 3. All the Active features will showcase in your Dashboard as well.

    First time user - EXPERIENCE MASTERCFA

    Your Dashboard shows 5 cards. If you are a first time user, you should click the "Start here" card. This will help you experience the full features of the platform in 10 minutes!
    To see the power of our platform and how it will help you not only pass the CFA exam , but also your job interviews, we strongly advise you start from the Primer!!
    Click on Start here in the Dashboard to kick start the experience! 😁
    Follow the playlist and the instructions to see the difference in pedagogy between MasterCFA and other prep providers
    The playlist has cards, quizzes, videos and nudges to enable you to learn a complex, key concept on "Normal Distributions"
    The cards are carousel based & scrollable with a left and right arrow, don't forget to see all the cards!
    Every time you complete the playlist item it will display a green tick. In case of incomplete, it will showcase % done in orange.
    Any quiz question you answer will showcase your answer in Blue Tick
    As soon as you press next, if your answer is correct it will turn into a GREEN Tick, with a green shadow under it.
    If your answer is wrong it will turn into a RED Cross, with a red shadow under it.
    Every question is a learning opportunity, just by knowing you got something wrong or right, it will create a feeling inside you to know why? 🤔
    The goal of our playlist is to help you establish a benchmark. You are a graduate student, you most likely know a lot of stuff already.
    After you do the playlist you get a 'BEFORE-AFTER' AHA moment!! 💪🏻🧠🤩
    Now you can quench your hunger for answers and review the answers with solutions! The famous Marshmellow experiment tells us, satisfaction comes to those who wait!
    Now you can see the beautiful colored explanations, that will tell not only tell you what was right, but also, if you selected the wrong option - which concept was wrong or how you fell into the examiners trap!!

    VIDEOS - How to Bookmark, share, report errors?

    Any video you see you can also BOOKMARK it, this video is then saved under All videos in your "Course Library Tab"
    You can also SHARE the video with your friends!!
    If you find any error in the video or playlist, you can press the report button. Apologies in advance, we make mistakes too 👏🙌
    Write your doubt, query or error in "Write your issue..." field. We will get back to you in 24 hrs.


    Start with you Dashboard, you can choose the library from the navigation bar on the left or under "Boost your Prep"
    Click "More" to enter the library
    You can view all the readings and modules here! Click start to begin. The Readings are color coded basis the order in which they should be studied, RED = HIGH PRIORITY, Then ORANGE and then GREEN
    While in the playlist section, you will be urged to create notes as well. These need not be lengthy, just some points in YOUR words that help with your understanding.
    You can expand the notes box by clicking and dragging on the right bottom corner. As a best practice , you should write some notes before you START and some notes DURING or AFTER the videos. This will help you do a BEFORE - AFTER in your understanding and will help you in your analyst job interviews later on
    Click "All Videos" , "My Notes" to view your Bookmarked videos and your created notes.
    You can access the library quickly anytime from the left navigation bar.


    Click "Dash Cards" on the left navigation menu. Or in your Dashboard.
    You will be greeted with a screen as below. You can see the Build-Review-Analyze steps gifs.
    You can select the Modules and Readings by clicking on the radio button.
    You can choose as many as you want
    Next you can select the number of cards you want to dash through!
    Click "Build Deck" to begin the session
    1. The Front of every card is a question 2. Think the answer in your head, try to remember what you studied 3. You MUST rate your confidence of answering as "Low" or "High"
    Every Card you see is posed as a question to you, this is how it will be asked in the exam and your job interviews.
    1. The card will flip once you rate your confidence. 2. Check the Answer and see if you "Got It" or "Missed It"
    The cards are a self-assessment revision and VERY important to be answered honestly. The algorithm will optimize your prep accordingly
    You can also bookmark cards that you feel are important. These will be saved for quick revisions in your saved deck.
    You will see a revision tag when you see these cards again
    After finishing the session, you will see the results. The correct- incorrect are calculated based on your confidence levels.
    Click "New Recall", to build another one!


    We believe that every question is a learning opportunity and that's why we built guided quiz. You will be able to see the answer in these sessions before moving on to the next question.
    Click "Adaptive Quiz"
    You will see the Build-Practice-Analyze screen for the guided quiz
    You can select the Modules and Readings by clicking on the radio button.
    Select the number of questions and then Click "Build Quiz"
    The quiz will begin and you will see a screen as shown
    The time on the right calculates the time spent on each question. This is used to build your analytics.
    Don't worry this won't harm your analytics scores. You have an option to select if you want to use the session to update your analytics or not.
    Your answer is selected with Blue Tick
    Click "Submit" to see the result.
    You will immediately see if you were wrong or right. Your answer if wrong will display a red cross and red shadow and the right answer will have a green tick and green shadow.
    You can further see the explanation below the question, before you move on to the next question.
    Armed with the new explanation of concepts, you should be able to answer similar questions if they come up next. This is a great way to build incremental knowledge, and learn with each question!
    Click "Next"
    Our algorithms will keep giving you incrementally difficult questions, so that we can map your competency in a topic around a mean and standard deviation
    Click "Next" & "Previous" to traverse forwards and backwards
    You will not be able to answer the previously wrong answered questions, but you will be able to see the concept and explanation if you want to apply them again. This guided 'cheating' is also a part of active learning, as you are hunting, exploring and recalling information for the correct answer.
    Click "Finish" once you reach the end of your question deck.
    You can see your report card.
    You can press "New Quiz" to start another session.


    Let's explore mock exams. Click "Mock Exam" in the left menu navigation.
    Here you will see the screen as below. You have access to AM-PM session mocks in this area.
    Don't worry about the number of mocks. With our new update dropping soon, you will be able to create any number of mock exams.
    Psst.. Between you and me. We have a seperate question bank for Guided quizzes (6000+) and a seperate one for Mocks (2000+). So don't worry about questions repeating or running out ;) Practice to your heart's content🥰🥰🧠💪🏻😉
    Click "Start" to begin the mock exam.
    You will be greeted with an instructions screen, accept it before beginning.
    Click on "I have read...." & then Click "Start Quiz" to begin.
    You will see a screen similar to the one shown below.
    The clock on the right runs down from the allotted time.
    The question overview screen has 5 color legend box. This is built so that you can traverse through the mock exam at a faster pace.
    Pro Tip!! Whenever you see a mock exam. Your first step should be to spend the first 2 minutes just scanning and recceing the paper. You should be able to see a question and its options and decide within 5 secs if its easy- medium-tough. We have given the 5 colors so that you can mark the easy ones first. It is very important to get the initial confidence boost in an exam.
    Click "Mark for review" and an orange bookmark will appear on the question and in your question overview legend
    You should make it a habit to blitz through the exam 3-4 times. Not only does it create familiarity, your brain subconsciously works behind the scenes to search for the answers to the questions you have seen already.
    You may have experienced times when things just 'click', your 'gut' feeling or when you remember things from 10 years ago! Your subconscious is far more powerful and constantly taking in and analyzing so much of external stimuli!
    The exam will end once the clock runs down. Or alternatively, you can end it by pressing the "End Exam" button
    You will be showcased a small report card. With an ability to "Deep Dive", "Review" or "Back".
    The Deep Dive will take you into analytics, which is explained in the Analytics FAQs. You can select that from the table of contents on the left.
    You can press review if you want to see the answers and explanations
    Once you enter review mode you can see the explanations and the correct(GREEN) - Incorrect (RED) questions overview in the legend.
    You can press "End Review" once you are done.
    Psst.. between you and me, we are launching a new REAL TIME PROMETRIC Exam environment soon. To give you the taste of the real exam in the real user interface.


    Click "Analytics" in the left menu navigation to deep dive into your performance
    You will see an "Overview" screen once you enter the analytics feature
    You will be greeted by the ACCURACY MAP, which cumulates your performance across all questions you have ever attempted on the platform
    You can select under guided quizzes if you want them to be added in this graph or not. The more questions you practice the more our AI will be able to get trained for predicting and forecasting your performance. It is your personal exam concierge. The more honest you are in your efforts the better it will help you!!
    You can hover on the squares to see their legend.
    You need to maximize your greens!!
    You can hover on the helper question marks on the legend to get more information on what your results mean.
    You can plot module specific accuracy maps as well to narrow into the problem areas


    Based on your selection your STRENGTHS and WEAKNESS (S&W) will also be revealed on a Reading and LOS level.
    You can select modules from dropdown to see the module specific Strengths and Weaknesses as well.


    Deep Dive is only to drill down into your exam performance, if you haven't done any mock exams there will be no data here!
    Click "Deep Dive" in the analysis tab to dive into your MOCK EXAM performance
    Bars above passing marks are shown in green, below in red and ON the passing mark line in Blue
    The first graph shows you a CFA exam MPS like performance overview where we show module wise passing and overall passing
    If you fail, a Red circle will display and if you pass a Green circle will show up.
    The passing marks are decided basis the exam difficulty and attempts from other candidates by the exam setter.
    In our opinion our exams are a wee bit on the tougher side than the actual CFA exam, this is to ensure that you pass the actual exam easily!
    You can select the exams to deep dive into, on the top right dropdown
    Our second graph showcases the time spent by you in the exam. This gives you a module level time spent analysis. Use this to chart a exam start strategy.
    If you see yourself spending a lot of time on certain modules and not scoring high enough, you need to deprioritize them once you start your exam. Mark/Flag those questions as something you will do in the end. So that you can maximize your score in your strong areas first. You have to PASS the CFA exam, not hold a grudge against each module. Be smart and honest about your competencies. Not everyone is an expert in everything. Keep the end goal in mind!
    The next graph is very important, its your PACING MAP and helps identify if your stamina, fatigue & question selection during the exam.
    You can see each question level data, your first look accuracy, time spent analysis and return on the time invested (correct/incorrect)
    Ideally, your pacing map will speak to you, listen well, a sample conversation with myself and the PACING MAP: "Ok, so I started with the Quant section and spent over 20 mins on the first 5 questions, this reduced my exam anxiety fueled headstart. I also got 3 of those incorrect. So not only I spent time which could have been spent on knocking off the easy ETHICS questions in the beginning, I also lost momentum, which made me hurry in the end making silly mistakes in the medium level economics questions!!!"
    And of course you can do this analysis on a module and reading level!!
    The last graph gives you your EXAM specific Strengths & Weaknesses.
    Again this can be done on a module level
    Areas for improvement suggest the modules and readings you are lacking in preparation
    You can deep dive into module level as well!

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