Tip: Duplicate this page and tailor to your organization's review process!
Please follow this process for creating, reviewing and publishing Scribes to the broader organization.
Create Scribe(s) for your assigned processes.
Edit your Scribe to adjust/move/delete steps and polish your guide.
Use advanced image editing to redact screenshots, add annotations and crop/resize images for the most professional output.
Before being published Scribes should be reviewed by the designated SME per process area. Share your Scribe with the named reviewer.
Level 1 review is to be performed by the designated SME to validate accuracy.
Level 2 review is to be performed by a team member to confirm the Scribe is easy to follow and call out areas of confusion.
The reviewer should mark the Scribe "Under Review" and update the Scribe or leave comments with their feedback.
The Scribe creator can edit the Scribe to incorporate the Reviewer's feedback.
Once any necessary updates to the Scribe are complete, the reviewer should:
Some examples:
Change Share permissions to "Share with Link"
Move the verified Scribe to the workspace where your "published" Scribes will live.
The Reviewers must be designated as Team Admins in order to mark Scribes "Under Review" or "Verified". Admins can follow this Scribe to confirm permissions for reviewers.
Your internet connection might be unstable.
Once a Scribe is marked "Verified", it can no longer be edited by anyone other than Admins in the Workspace.
Dept A - TBD
Dept B - TBD
Dept C - TBD
Dept D - TBD
Dept E - TBD
Please reach out to your Admin with any questions!