Searching GALILEO | Scribe

    Searching GALILEO

    • EbscohostEbscohost
    • ExlibrisgroupExlibrisgroup
    • ProquestProquest
    • ColumbusstateColumbusstate
    • UsgUsg

    Searching GALILEO

    Click "Discover GALILEO" This is GALILEO's discovery method of searching that operates very similarly to a Google search. However, this tool will allow you to reduce millions of search results into just a few hundred.
    Type in your search terms. In this example, we're using the search term, 'community policing'.

    Using Filters

    Click "Full Text" so that the has only entries that CSU subscribes to.
    Change the date range to suit your research question. In this example, the dates used are [[2020 through 2024.]]
    Click "Geography" to limit the results to include only results from the [[United States]]. Geography will depend on your research question.
    Click the "united states" field.
    Language is another filter that can be very helpful in reducing the number of irrelevant search results. Clicking on the "Language" field will help you include or exclude language in your search.
    Click the "english" field.
    Clicking on the "Subject" field is another filter that can be helpful but keep in mind that these terms may sound like they will lead you to the exact information you are looking for, but the context of the term might be different. However, playing around with the "Subject" option can often be helpful.
    Clicking on the "Subject" field is another filter that can be helpful but keep in mind that these terms may sound like they will lead you to the exact information you are looking for, but the context of the term might be different. However, playing around with the "Subject" option can often be helpful.
    "Limit by Type" is another filter that can be very helpful. If you know that you need aspecific information type, click on the option(s) that best fits your research question. This example shows using, "Academic Journals" field.
    Even with using all of the filters, there are still a lot of search results that may or may not be relevant. We can add boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to include and exclude search terms. To narrow the search a bit more, we'll narrow the search by adding the search terms, [[community policing AND COVID-19]].
    When the search terms change, sometimes the filters get reset. After adjusting search terms, make sure to check the filters and adjust if necessary.
    When the search terms change, sometimes the filters get reset. After adjusting search terms, make sure to check the filters and adjust if necessary.

    Finding Additional Search Terms

    If you are having trouble finding relevant information, often if you can find just one source that is really helpful, you can use it to see how that article is indexed. Click on a search result.
    Then, find the subject terms that the article is indexed under. Try copying and pasting one of the terms into the search bar above to see if that produces a list of relevant sources.

    Tools to Help Organize Research

    To save directly to a cloud platform, you can choose from Google Drive and OneDrive. It will create a folder in your cloud and you can retrieve it at a later time.
    Clicking "Add to folder" will save the entry to your GALILEO folder