You can lock/unlock any channel with [[Channel Bot]] (most have the bot), but I usually go to a channel I dedicated to #bot-spam.
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Begin to type [[/lock]], and the bot commands will populate. Since we're trying to lock a channel, click [[Lock]].
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Click [[\+2 options. ]]This will allow you to select the channel and for how long you want to lock it. You do not have to set a duration, but you must set a channel.
The free version of the bot only allows you to lock one channel at a time and you can set a timer for 24 hours or less.
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Click [[channel ]]to select channel.
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Begin to type the channel's name and then all of your channels will begin to populate. Then select the one that you want to lock.
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Click [[return]] and when we go to #general-chat it says it's locked and we can't type anything.
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Channel is locked.
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Unlock Channels
You can lock/unlock any channel with **Channel Bot**. As mentioned previously, I have a channel dedicated to these types of commands to keep them out of the way of the rest of the channels in the server.
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Begin to type [[/unlock]], and the bot commands will populate. Since we're trying to unlock a channel, click [[Unlock]].
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Select **Channel**
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Begin to type out the channel you want to unlock, and a list of channels will populate. Since, in this example, we're trying to unlock the **[[\#general-chat]**]channel, select that channel.
Then click [[Return]], and the channel will be unlocked.
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