Overcoming Customer Satisfaction Challenges: Best Practices for Meeting Expectations & Managing Complaints

Lauren Funaro
January 23, 2023
min read
September 19, 2023
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Overcome Customer Satisfaction Challenges & Exceed Expectations
Generate Customer Success Docs Free!


Customer satisfaction is key for businesses to know that they're doing well and where.

Customer satisfaction metrics monitor how well a company meets customer needs and expectations — and are a vital indication of overall company health.

But achieving high levels of customer satisfaction isn't easy.

In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment, customers have high expectations. They'll quickly switch to competitors if their needs are unmet. On top of this, the rise of social media and online review platforms makes it easier for customers to share their experiences, both good and bad, with a wide audience.

Let's explore some of the major challenges that businesses face in achieving high levels of customer satisfaction, and provide some best practices for overcoming these challenges.

What is customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is a measure of how well a company meets its customer needs. We typically measure customer satisfaction through surveys or other forms of direct feedback. This can make it a tricky metric — since data is at its strongest when its objective and formulaic.

But when you get it right, high levels of customer satisfaction can lead to increased customer loyalty, translating into higher sales and revenue.

Major customer satisfaction challenges & solutions

There are many potential challenges that businesses need to overcome in order to achieve customer satisfaction.

Some major challenges include:

Meeting customer expectations

One of the biggest challenges of customer satisfaction is meeting customer expectations. This doesn't mean you don't have an amazing product — but we have to keep in mind that we're dealing with oversaturated markets, evolving AI and a fast-paced culture.

Customers have certain expectations when they do business with a company. They want your product to solve their problems, and if it doesn't, they want exceptional customer service. It's up to you to create a responsive customer-facing and IT management team to make the experience effortless for your customer.

It's easier said than done — but not impossible! To overcome this challenge, you need to be proactive in understanding what your customer's expectations are. You can do this by:

  • Being clear about your product's capabilities and use case in your marketing site and sales collateral.
  • Checking out your competitors and conducting market analysis.
  • Submitting in-platform and follow-up surveys.
  • Following up with dissatisfied customers to understand what went wrong.
  • Enabling your client-facing teams with FAQs and templates, product documentation and other resources.
  • Equipping your IT training team to work quickly and efficiently with quick reference guides, SOPs and more.

Managing customer complaints

Even if you've created a perfect product and management system — you'll always run into customer complaints.

The focus here isn't on prevention, it's on mitigation and response time. Your goal is to turn a dissatisfied (or even frustrated) customer into an advocate of your tool or service.

This means that you need the tools and people in place to:

  • Track customer complaints.
  • Share with the right team for internal resolutions (like your IT service team).
  • Respond quickly and maintain communication.
  • Mark as resolved when the time comes, and gauge the customer's satisfaction level.

You need a clear and effective process in order for this to run smoothly and at scale. For the customer-facing side, we recommend:

  • Offering multiple channels for customer's to raise complaints.
  • Using bots and help desk service solutions for quicker response-time.
  • Upskilling your client-facing response team with scripts, FAQs and templates.

Here's a customer tickets and resolution template made with Scribe that you can use today.

Help desk and technical support are equally important in this effort. Your technical support team will be the ones resolving the issues that come down the pipeline. You need to make sure they have:

  • The right access levels.
  • Direct communication with the help desk team.
  • Easy-to-follow standard operating procedures and technical documentation to ensure they can quickly respond and solve the issue.

Use Scribe to support both your help desk and technical support by creating fast and easy step-by-step guides.

Scribe is an extension and desktop app can turn even the most complicated process into visual documentation. Here's how it works.

The completely secure and flexible platform offers auto-generated guides, universal updates, east export and so much more.

Delivering excellent customer service

Customers want to feel valued and respected when they do business with a company. They also want to resolve their issue quickly and to their level of satisfaction.

This has a two-part solution, and both rely on technology to cross the finish line.

First, you want to make it possible for users to solve their problems before having to enter your customer support queue. This means you need to build educational resources that are easy to find.

This includes:

If a customer can't solve their problem themselves, they'll want quick support. You'll need to provide them with several ways to reach your team, including a chatbot, helpdesk email and phone number (at the very least).

And then you'll need to prepare your team on the front lines. Invest in training your employees to provide excellent customer service

To overcome this challenge, businesses need to invest in training their employees to provide excellent customer service. Offer regular feedback, coaching and documentation to keep your team strong.

Here's a customer service training manual template made with Scribe Pages to get you started.

Managing customer data

You can't track customer satisfaction without correct customer data. But even more importantly, you can't extract customer data unless you've done your due diligence to protect your customers' privacy.

Customer data is a helpful way to see how often users are engaging with certain features, how well you're converting and retaining customers, how quickly customers activate and so much more.

If you use this information wisely, you can drastically improve your product, identify key buyer personas and keep customers satisfied for longer.

But first, you need to prioritize security. Make sure you have a clear privacy policy in place and invest in technology that can help your team securely manage customer data.

At Scribe, we don't just value security, we prioritize it. Check out our Dedicated Security and Compliance Program Manager's article on the importance of having a culture of security.

Customer satisfaction best practices

There are several best practices that businesses can follow to overcome the challenges of achieving high levels of customer satisfaction.

First, businesses must be proactive in addressing customer needs and concerns.

This means being available to answer questions and provide assistance whenever necessary, and quickly addressing any issues or concerns that customers may have. Time is always of the essence. Even if you don't have an answer yet, make sure you're regularly checking in so that the customer feels respected.

Second, businesses must be transparent and honest with their customers. This means clearly communicating what the business can and cannot deliver, and being upfront about any potential issues or challenges that may arise.

Third, businesses must be responsive to customer feedback and complaints. This means actively seeking out feedback from customers, and being quick to respond to any negative feedback or complaints.

Businesses have to continuously improve their products and services. This means regularly collecting and analyzing customer feedback, and using this information to make changes and improvements to the business.

And finally, make sure you give your teams the chance to succeed by equipping them with the best tools and training materials. Take advantage of Scribe. The free tool was designed to cut your documentation time in half, making it easier than ever to create internal and external step-by-step guides. You can them combine those guides with media and more in beautiful, visual documentation. Your customers (and team) will thank you!

Satisfied customers & an excelling team

Achieving high levels of customer satisfaction is a major challenge for businesses in today's fast-paced and competitive environment.

But if you equip your team to be transparent, responsive, and continuously improving, your business can overcome these challenges and deliver the high-quality products and services that your customers expect.

Take advantage of tools and training solutions that help you build customer loyalty, increase sales and improve their overall business performance.

Ready to try Scribe?

Scribe automatically generates how-to guides and serves them to your team when they need them most. Save time, stay focused, help others.