Plone User Guide 20241201_18:30

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    Plone is a fully featured web content management system for creating public websites and intranets. It lets you create and organize pages, folders, files, news items, events, almost any type of information you can imagine.

    Noteworthy feature of Plone include:

    • collaborative editing: support for having multiple editors creating, editing, and managing a website simultaneously

    • workflow: content items, when created, are initially in a private state and are not visible to the public, and can be advanced to other states, such as "review" and "published"

    • content rules: sets of triggers and actions that can be performed automatically on content items

    In this user guide, we will show how to use Plone to create, edit, and manage content.

    For Attendees of the Plone Conference Training

    If you're reading this because you attended the Plone Conference training for Content Editors, thank you for coming to our class, and we hope you will have come away with practical techniques and ideas!

    If you have any feedback or suggestions, please contact us at:

    • Paul Roeland

    • Kim Nguyen

    Here are additional resources for this class:

    • Documentation and training materials

      • This user guide:

      • Older "Working with Content" documentation

      • Plone Training home

      • Plone 6 documentation

    • Demo sites

      • Plone 6 Volto demo site

        • Volto 18.1.0

        • Plone 6.1.0b1

        • plone.restapi 9.8.3


        • Volto 18.0.0-alpha.28

        • Plone 6.0.10

        • plone.restapi 9.5.0

        • kitconcept.volto add-on version:   3.0.0a9.dev0

    • Volto blocks examples

    • Awesome Volto, the ecosystem of add-ons

    • Plone 6 Classic demo site

    A Tour of Plone

    Let's take a look at what you see on a typical Plone page.

    A Tour of Plone

    Logging In and Out of Plone

    Unless you are logged into a Plone site, all you can do is read and search for content.

    To create, edit, or manage content, you must first log in.

    Log into PloneLog Out of Plone

    From Content Creation to Publication

    In this section, we introduce how to create and save a content item (a News Item in this case), edit it, and use workflow to publish it.

    Create a News Item in PloneEdit a News Item

    At this point, our News Item is in the "private" workflow state.

    Items in the private state are visible only to and editable only by their creator and site administrators. Website visitors (the public, or anyone not logged in) cannot see private items.

    Now we show how to publish an item. Items in the "published" state are visible to everyone, including the public, but continue to be editable only by their creator and site administrators.

    Publish a News Item


    Pages are the most common content type in most Plone sites.

    Like every other type of content item, a page includes:

    • a title

    • a summary, or description

    • a body

    The body of a page is composed of blocks, such as:

    • headings

    • text

    • images

    • listings

    There are many other types of blocks, and we will cover them further below.

    Here we show how to create a new page.

    Create a New Page

    Use Pages to Organize Content

    Pages can contain other items, and can be nested to any depth.

    Here we show how to create a page that will contain Event content items, and how to create an Event content item.

    Create an Event

    Creating an Events "Folder" and an Event Inside it

    Add a File

    You can add any type of file to your Plone site. Files can be any "binary file", including PDFs, text files, videos, and Word documents.

    You could follow this method to add an image, but rather than add an image as a file, you should add an image as an image! (see Add an Image below).

    Add a File

    Add a Link

    You use a Link when you would like a page on your site to redirect a visitor to a web address external to your site.

    A Link acts as bookmark on your site for something that is elsewhere on the Internet.

    We show how to add a Link.

    Adding a Link

    Add an Image

    Here we show how to add an image. Most image formats are supported, including GIF, JPEG, and PNG.

    When you add an image to Plone, several sizes of thumbnails are generated automatically for you, and the display of images includes their thumbnails. This makes them easier to use than if you had added an image as a file.

    Adding an Image

    Add an Image Block to a Page

    You can add an image to a page by adding an image block.

    This is different from adding an image content item, which is an item on its own.

    When you add an image block to a page, you can place the image block on the page anywhere you want, including wrapping text around it or placing the image block to the left or right of text.

    Adding an Image Block

    Add a Video Block

    You can add an embedded video block to a page.

    Embedding a Video

    Deleting a Block

    This shows how to delete any block.

    Delete a Block


    Plone has built-in search that returns results matching text found in titles, summaries, page bodies, and keywords.

    Here we show how search works for looking up text that appears on a page.

    Use Search

    An Editor's Power Tool: the Contents View

    We have shown how to create, edit, and publish items one by one.

    For editors who want to manage larger numbers of content items, the Contents view allows them to select one or more items to perform actions on. Those actions include:

    • copying, cutting, and pasting

    • deleting

    • renaming

    • assigning or removing keywords

    Here we look at how to use the Contents View.

    Use the Contents View

    This shows how to use the Contents view to delete items.

    Deleting a Content Item

    Moving Content Automatically to a Particular Folder Using Content Rules

    We show how to use a content rule to move content items automatically to a particular folder on your site. This helps keep the site content well organized.

    Move PDFs Automatically to a Particular Folder Using Content Rules

    Your Personal Profile and Settings

    We saw earlier how to use the personal menu to log out of Plone, but the personal menu lets you do more:

    • set a profile image

    • set your full name, email address, home page, location, and short bio

    • set your language preference

    Use the Personal Menu

    Site Setup and Configuration

    Plone configuration is done through control panels available in Site Setup.

    Access Site Setup

    Here we show how to access Site Setup and how control panels are grouped.

    Access Site Setup (Control Panels)

    Use the Add-ons Control Panel

    You use the Add-ons control panel to see the details of which add-ons are installed on your site and which ones are available to be installed.

    Using the Add-Ons Control Panel

    Use the Database Control Panel

    The Database control panel displays information about the database and cache used by your site.

    Using the Database Control Panel

    Use the Date and Time Control Panel

    The Date and Time control panels lets you change timezones and day of the week settings.

    Using the Date and Time Control Panel