10 Tips for Successfully Running a Business

anjan sarkar
September 27, 2023
min read
September 27, 2023
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Discover 10 essential tips for successfully running a business, from powerful ideas to effective leadership. Boost growth and profitability today!
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Many business owners struggle to achieve their targeted growth. That's because they're overburdened with daily work and business process management. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Here are ten practical tips for running a successful business that can help alleviate some of your challenges.

TL;DR: Tips for successfully running a business

  • Business success is defined as reaching goals and objectives for growth, profitability and sustainability.
  • 10 tips for running a successful business include having a powerful business idea, conducting market research, preparing for leadership, building a strong team, embracing adaptability and innovation, practicing effective leadership and decision-making, networking and building relationships, streamlining and documenting business processes, prioritizing the customer experience, and implementing practical strategies for building customer loyalty.
  • Real-life business success stories from Amazon, Nike, and Tesla demonstrate the importance of listening to customers, adapting to changing demands, and incorporating customer feedback.
  • By streamlining and documenting business processes with Scribe, you can save time and maximize profitability.

Wh‎at is business success?

"Business success" can be described as reaching set goals and objectives that lead to a company's growth, profitability and sustainability. Every business owner needs to define success in a way that fits their beliefs, goals and long-term plans.

There are many different ways to measure business success, including:

  • Financial performance, including revenue, profit margins, ROI, and cash flow.
  • Customer satisfaction.
  • Growing market share.
  • Good customer feedback and a growing client base.
  • Employee satisfaction and engagement.

10‎ tips for successfully running a business

1. Th‎e importance of a powerful business idea

We asked David Bitton, Co-founder & CMO, DoorLoop, why having a solid business idea is crucial and how to find one. Here's what he had to say:

"To discover a compelling business idea, begin by identifying a gap or problem in the market that aligns with your expertise. This requires conducting thorough market research to gain a thorough grasp of your target audience, their needs and the existing solutions available."

2. Ma‎rket research

Market research is vital when starting a business. No matter how good a service or product is, it will be useless if there is no demand for it.

Start by gathering data on:

  • Target customers.
  • Competitors.
  • Expected growth and demand.
  • Market trends.

Analyze who would buy your product, how frequently and why. This data can help you

  • Make well-informed business decisions.
  • Set realistic goals.
  • Find your target market.
  • Plan inventory and sales projections.

3. Le‎ad to succeed: preparing for leadership

Focus on developing essential leadership skills to achieve your company's long-term strategy. Great leaders demonstrate:

  • Integrity.
  • Accountability.
  • Empathy.
  • Humility.
  • Vision.
  • Influence.
  • Organizational guidance.

As a new business owner, you will guide your company's success, especially as your team expands. Effective leadership is vital to your success.

4. Te‎amwork makes the dream work: building your team 

Successful business owners hire talented employees to build a strong team and achieve extraordinary results.

Look for experts in areas where you lack knowledge, enhancing your company's expertise.

Encourage involvement and feedback by including employees in decisions that directly or indirectly affect them. This fosters a sense of ownership and collaboration, leading to better decisions and increased knowledge.

5. Ad‎aptability and innovation: the secrets to your success

Innovative solutions generate growth, enhance efficiency and meet customer needs. Companies can succeed in changing conditions and maintain a competitive edge by creating an innovative culture.

By emphasizing flexibility and adaptation, your company can handle uncertainty, capture opportunities and succeed in an unpredictable marketplace.

Here's how you can achieve it:

  • Embrace change. 
  • Nurture agility.
  • Take a customer-centric approach. 
  • Foster a learning culture. 

For example, a retail company can adapt by investing in eCommerce, researching other sales channels and cultivating organizational agility. 

A customer-centric approach maintains relevance and satisfies shifting requirements by actively listening to customers and developing a learning culture.

Businesses can overcome uncertainty, capture opportunities and generate long-term success by embracing change, responding quickly and staying ahead of the competition.

‎6. Ef‎fective leadership and decision-making

Here are some tips for effective leadership and decision-making:

  • Delegate responsibility and empower your team.
  • Trust your team and give them independence to make decisions in their areas of expertise.
  • Make strategic and transparent decisions.
  • Share your vision and the reasons behind it with your team to gain buy-in and support.
  • Lead with honesty and integrity.
  • Treat your team and customers with honesty, empathy and fairness.
  • Make data-driven decisions. Get data and input from multiple sources to gain a complete picture before making important choices.

"By venturing beyond conventional thinking and strategically embracing calculated risks, businesses can uncover untapped prospects, differentiate themselves from competitors and captivate their intended audience." –David Bitton, Co-founder & CMO, DoorLoop

7. Ne‎tworking and building relationships

Building a strong network of relationships can benefit your business in several ways:

  • Networking generates new opportunities, including potential clients, partners, investors, and resources that can help your business grow.
  • Developing relationships builds trust and goodwill, which may lead to partnerships, referrals, recommendations, and customer loyalty.
  • Mutually beneficial relationships with other business owners and leaders can lead to collaborations, partnerships and alliances.

To create strong partnerships, find other businesses with shared interests.

Identify how your partnership can meet the strategic goals of both businesses. Be transparent about your objectives and set the proper expectations.

Share resources and information and meet regularly to maintain the relationship. Be sure to revisit shared goals and adjust as needed so everyone benefits from the partnership.

8. St‎reamlining and documenting business processes 

St‎reamline and document business processes with Scribe - tips for successfully running a business

Companies may experience inefficiencies, redundancies and a lack of standardization if their procedures aren't well-defined. These problems not only cost time and money but can impede innovation and the capacity to satisfy customer requests successfully.

The solution—streamlining and documenting business processes. You can increase productivity, reduce errors and lay the groundwork for growth by proactively organizing and optimizing workflows. 

Scribe is the best solution for streamlining and documenting business processes. With Scribe, you can automatically generate shareable step-by-step operational processes, onboarding documents, training manuals, customer service SOPs, FAQs, and more by capturing your screen with a single click.

You can use Scribe's generative AI to build your documentation from scratch or to make your documentation more detailed, add context, make revisions and provide more comments or information.

Take it further with Scribe Pages, which allow you to combine your Scribes with text, videos, photos and other media to create detailed documentation.

Scribe user Liz Rowe shares just how easy it is to get started with Scribe in the video below.

Scribe makes it easy to reference and share your documentation with colleagues and clients.‎

  • Send a quick link.
  • Export your guide into formats like PDF, HTML, and Markdown.
  • Share the link via your Scribe workspace.
  • Add users to your Scribe workspace.
  • Embed the guide into your preferred channels or platforms for seamless integration.

The options are limitless, resulting in comprehensive, detailed step-by-step documentation that keeps users and customers returning for more.

Why users love Scribe:

"This is an incredible app for producing SOPs. These used to take me forever and I fell into the trap of feeling like I might as well just do it myself since I had no time to make them. Now, I can do it once, record, and hand off tasks to my admin assistant or keep them to share with new hires and for internal documentation. It's a huge time saver and just made my life so much easier." — Melis S.

Create business documentation for free with Scribe ➜

9. Pr‎ioritizing the customer experience

Customers and prospects are more informed than ever in today's information-rich world.

According to HubSpot Research, 79 percent of customer care teams believe customers are more knowledgeable than ever. Approximately 90 percent of CEOs surveyed say client expectations have risen. How a company treats its customers typically has more of an impact than pricing or products alone.

Hubspot customer expectations survey
(Source: HubSpot)

Your business should strategize for each step of the buyer journey, spot any problems that may arise and take advantage of opportunities to improve the customer experience.

Developing a customer-centric approach shows your commitment to customer satisfaction and promotes brand loyalty. Here's where you can start:

  • Gather feedback from your team to prioritize the customer experience.
  • Reduce friction and concentrate on what is important to customers.
  • Consider your product from the customer's standpoint.
  • Solve issues before they affect customers.
  • Invest in your customer care team's training and support.

10. Pr‎actical strategies for building customer loyalty

Here are 10 tips for building customer loyalty:

  1. Provide high-quality products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations.
  2. Deliver on time and as promised.
  3. Go above and beyond to answer issues and consistently provide friendly, responsive customer service.
  4. Offer personalized customer experience, recognizing clients' individual preferences. Provide specialized recommendations, solutions and communications.
  5. Offering rewards, incentives, loyalty programs, discounts, or other perks to loyal customers.
  6. Engage with your customers, sending updates, soliciting feedback and building relationships.
  7. Add value through customer education. Provide useful industry resources, insights and guides to assist customers and establish yourself as an industry authority.
  8. Keep customers informed about updates, changes and potential issues. To prioritize their needs, share information, set realistic expectations and provide clear pricing.
  9. Ask for (and incorporate) customer feedback to improve your product or service, address pain points, exceed expectations, and offer continual value.

‎Re‎al-world business success stories


Amazon gains insights from consumer evaluations, ratings and ideas, using them to modify offers, improve the user experience and maintain customer happiness. This commitment to listening to and responding to customers has been critical to Amazon's success and position as an eCommerce leader. 


Companies can proactively modify their strategy and offer by knowing their customers' changing demands and preferences. Nike's response to increased demand for environmentally friendly and sustainable products is a striking example. They identified the market trend toward conscientious shopping and established the "Move to Zero" effort to reduce their environmental footprint. 

Nike acquired a competitive advantage by adding sustainable procedures and materials into their goods, but they also drew environmentally concerned customers who admired their commitment to sustainability.


Businesses can spot improvement opportunities, discover new product features, or even create new services by focusing on the feedback they receive. Tesla, led by Elon Musk, is a prime example of this technique. Tesla regularly looks for customer feedback and uses it to improve their electric automobiles. 

They constantly issue software upgrades based on consumer recommendations and preferences, displaying their dedication to innovation and client-centricity. This iterative approach has allowed Tesla to differentiate itself in the electric vehicle market and preserve its leadership position.

Ge‎t the edge you need

Running a successful business requires careful planning, a deep understanding of your market, a strong team, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of building a thriving and profitable business.

With Scribe, you can streamline and document your business processes, saving time and maximizing profitability.

Sign up for Scribe today and reduce the time you spend documenting processes and sharing how-to by 93 percent.

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