6 Highly Effective Strategies for Team Productivity

Harvey Holloway
August 16, 2023
min read
September 19, 2023
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Team productivity can lead to higher staff retention, increased sales and happier employees. Explore our top tips for boosting team productivity.
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Building a strong team isn't just about getting people to work together—it's about creating a hub for collaboration and trust. When team members connect and complement each other's strengths, it makes for a happier and more productive environment. 

Employee productivity looks at the efficiency and quality of the work completed within a certain amount of time. The average employee is only productive for around three hours a day, so ensuring you’re creating an environment where they can thrive is crucial to both your staff’s happiness and the success of your company. 

With that in mind, let’s look at some of the best strategies designed to increase team productivity in the workplace.

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Create a welcoming & respectful environment

Building respectful workplace environment is vital for a positive workforce dynamic and improved team productivity. When team members feel valued, and respected, it sets the stage for collaboration, innovation, and overall team success.

All of this promotes a sense of belonging and encourages individuals to bring their best selves to work. And it shows, with a staggering 89 percent of highly engaged employees experiencing a positive work culture. 

When team members respect one another's opinions and perspectives, they are more likely to work together effectively. One study shows that employees who trust their company and culture are 79 percent less likely to look for another job.

It should come as no surprise that promoting a respectful work environment encourages employees to go the extra mile, contribute innovative ideas, and take ownership of their work.

Have a clear company vision

When everyone understands and embraces the overarching goals and direction of the company, it becomes easier to work together toward a common purpose.

A clear company vision provides a sense of clarity and direction for each team member. It helps them prioritize their tasks, make informed decisions, and stay focused on what truly matters whilst working toward better team productivity as a company. 

Let’s take Hive19 as a great example of a company that has a clear vision: 

“We are Hive19, the digital PR specialist of choice for fintech and SaaS brands looking to level up lead acquisition.” 


Their mission is to gain exposure for their SaaS and fintech clients through topical and relevant earned coverage online. This vision guides every decision, from crafting content, and training new talent to building strong relationships with influential websites, ensuring that everyone is aligned, and working toward the same goal.

Employees who work in businesses that have a clear mission statement and goal are 6.7 times more likely to feel proud of their organization and 6.5 times more likely to recommend the organization as a great place to work.

When team members can see the bigger picture and how their individual contributions fit into it, they are more motivated to go the extra mile, enhancing team productivity as a result.

Arrange a team-building exercise

Team-building exercises are a great way to improve communication within the team, boost morale and trust, identify leadership qualities and increase team productivity levels.

The knock-on effect that comes from a team-building exercise, whether it’s a creative bonding session or a puzzle-solving activity like an escape room, can increase productivity levels by 20-25 percent

Following this, it should come as no surprise that happier staff work harder than those who are not. In fact, a study by Warwick University found that happier staff were 12 percent more productive than those who are unhappy.

The moral of the story? Keep your staff happy and they will work harder and deliver better results for your company. 

Maintain positive & open communication channels

Keep your team feeling happy, heard and open with positive dialogue and open communication channels.

There are a few tried and tested ways of keeping these channels open, one of which is, you guessed it, regular team meetings. Hosting short, snappy catch-ups offers everyone a chance to discuss progress, goals, and any challenges they’re facing.

It’s just as important for leaders to listen and action on any issues or suggestions that are raised in these meetings.

Not only does this keep everyone on the same wavelength, but employees who feel listened to and connected with their business will more likely see team productivity increase.

However, hosting meetings for every query, suggestion, or talking point is unrealistic and inefficient. Thankfully, collaboration tools like Scribe, Slack, and Microsoft Teams make it incredibly easy for you to communicate internally, share information, and have real-time discussions.


The key is to keep the dialogue open, transparent and consistent. Every business should strive to create an environment where giving and receiving constructive feedback is the norm to help everyone learn, improve and grow together.

Be clear about team roles & responsibilities

Unspecified or confusing team roles can cause a bunch of problems, so creating clear team roles and responsibilities is crucial.

When everyone understands their responsibilities and how they contribute to the team's goals, it enhances collaboration and overall team productivity.

A good starting point could be to assess each team member's strengths and skills. What are they really good at? What do they enjoy doing? This knowledge will help you assign tasks that play to their strengths and keep them engaged.

Next, communicate expectations openly and clearly. Everyone should know what they're responsible for and how their work fits into the team's goals. Employees and executives often blame poor communication as the leading cause of problems in the workplace.

So, be clear with your team about their roles and adapt them as needed. Roles and responsibilities are bound to change as employees progress, but communicating this effectively is the key to keeping everyone productive and on the same page.

Someone’s done a good job? Reward them!

Rewarding employees that have gone above and beyond is something every business should practice, considering RewardGateway reports that 90 percent of HR workers agreed that an effective recognition and reward program helps drive business results.

There are various ways to reward team members for their exceptional work. It could be as simple as a verbal acknowledgment, pinging them a positive message on Slack, or having a quick word after a meeting to express your gratitude. 

You can also consider small incentives such as gift cards, team outings, or extra time off to encourage team productivity within each department. Tailor the rewards to the individual and their preferences, ensuring they feel recognized in a meaningful way.

Something as simple as giving someone a pat on the back can go a long way to maintaining healthy workplace relationships and increasing productivity. 

Final thoughts

Companies that lack satisfied, motivated, and productive employees who grasp the business’s goals are at risk of falling short of their targets. By following the above strategies, you are planting all the right seeds for your employees to grow and thrive in your company. 

Happy employees mean harder workers and a more productive output! 


About the Author

Harvey Holloway is an experienced and passionate marketer looking to inspire professionals within the industry.

Connect with Harvey on Twitter: @HarveyTweetsSEO LinkedIn: @harveyholloway

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