Drum Roll Please 🥁 May Releases: Pages, Mac Desktop App & Workspace Updates! | Scribe

Drum Roll Please 🥁 May Releases: Pages, Mac Desktop App & Workspace Updates!

Jennifer Smith, CEO
May 27, 2022
min read
March 20, 2025
Photo credit
We’ve been busy shipping tons of exciting new product releases in May. Now you can create custom process docs with Pages, capture desktop processes with our sleek new Mac desktop app and easily navigate in your Workspace!


Just when you thought things couldn’t get any better ​​😉 Here's what's new at Scribe this month!


Huge thank you to everyone who supported our Pages launch! It’s so fulfilling to see all the amazing Pages you’re already making — from teachers showing students how to access their final grades to HR teams helping employees find their new desks after two years away from the office. It’s a reminder that every day we have the power to make someone’s life just a little easier. 

Pages allows you to add multiple Scribes to a beautiful process document along with text, lists and videos (finally!). Creating a Page is super easy — start by adding a title, then type a forward slash (/) to 

  • Write text
  • Add Scribes 
  • Add lists 
  • Insert videos

And voila... you’ve created a Page!

Create your first Page by clicking New -> New Page in your Workspace. Wanna learn more? Check out the release note

Your new and improved Mac desktop app

We’ve had a Mac desktop app out in the world for a year, but we wanted to make it even better, faster and more reliable for you! Our new and improved desktop app allows you to capture your entire workflow, even desktop-based processes such Zoom, Excel, Slack and more.

Here’s why the updated Mac app is a game changer: 

  • Super fast and lightweight
  • Works seamlessly with our web app 
  • Conveniently lives in your menu bar 
  • Writes intelligent text instructions for you

The new Mac app gives Mac users an even more seamless, consistent and just plain awesome experience. Download it today at www.scribehow.com/get-desktop.

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New Workspace navigation 

The last time you logged into Scribe you might have noticed it looks a liiiiittle different. We’ve moved some navigational elements around to make it even easier to access and organize Scribes. 

Let’s dig into a few of these changes:

  • You can find Search, Dashboard, Team Directory, Review Queue and Help the top left area of the workspace.
  • Folders now span the whole left hand side and are designed to make it easier for you to organize your Scribes.
  • In the top right corner, you’ll see a “New” dropdown. Here you can create a new Scribe or Page, and launch or download our Windows or Mac desktop apps! 

Check it out for yourself in your Workspace and learn more in the release note.

That’s all for the month of May, but stay tuned… we’ve got so much more on the horizon. 🚀

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